商標登録insideNews: NFL successfully opposes ‘Superbowl’ trademark at UKIPO | worldipreview.com

NFL opposed Superbowl in UK

NFL opposed Superbowl in UK

The UK Intellectual Property Office (IPO) has granted a partial win to the National Football League (NFL), which had opposed a trademark application covering tenpin bowling

情報源: NFL successfully opposes ‘Superbowl’ trademark at UKIPO

商標登録insideNews: NFLワシントンの新ニックネームはコマンダース 旧名はレッドスキンズ(2020年に廃止) | Sponichi Annex スポーツ
商標登録insideNews: Lamar Jackson Files A Trademark: NFL World Reacts | The Spun

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