商標登録insideNews: Colin Kaepernick files to trademark his image |ESPN

Colin Kaepernick’s company Inked Flash has filed for the trademark to a black and white image of his face and hair.The filing, which showed up on the website for the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on Wednesday but was filed last Friday, says the intent is to use the image on everything from shampoo and hairspray to jewelry and lampshades.

情報源: Colin Kaepernick files to trademark his image

Colin Kaepernick timeline: From protests to a Nike campaign

[コメント] Colin Kaepernickは元NFL サンフランシスコ49erの俊足QBでしたが、人種差別に反発する形で注目され、最近はナイキがその反骨ポリシーを応援する形で契約したと伝えられていますが、現在は引退状態です。元貴乃花親方の引退宣言にも通じるところでしょうか。

Serial Number 88144667
Filing Date October 5, 2018
Current Basis 1B
Owner (APPLICANT) INKED FLASH, INC. CORPORATION CALIFORNIA 3900 West Alameda Avenue, Suite 2100 Burbank CALIFORNIA 91505

US Serial No. 88144667
US Serial No. 88144667