商標登録insideNews: Hey, those are our Kisses! Hershey Co. files trademark lawsuit against cookie maker | pennlive.com

The Hershey Company is known for ferociously defending its trademarks, especially its iconic Kisses logo.It just launched another trademark infringement lawsuit in U.S. Middle District Court targeting a California firm it accuses of misappropriating the visage of its familiar and somewhat conical Kisses.The defendant in the case is The Cookie Department Inc. Hershey claims that bakery is using Kisses-like images to promote products that Hershey contends are just not as sweet as its own.

情報源: Hey, those are our Kisses! Hershey Co. files trademark lawsuit against cookie maker – pennlive.com

Hershey’s Legacy of Making More Moments of Goodness, 0:30

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