About IPO Education Foundation, 0:38
About IPO Education Foundation
Ask the Experts – What is IP?

Ask the expert - Dave Kappos

What is a Patent?

Why should you protect your ideas?

Why is the patent system important to innovation?

Do Patents Inspire Innovation?

Can you use a patent you don't own?

Ask the expert - Beth Ferrill

Ask the expert - Tracy Durkin

When would someone want a design patent?

Utility vs Design Patents

Design Patent vs. Trade Dress

Why are design patents important?

Ask the Expert - Terry Carroll

Copyright Guidelines on the Internet

What is a Copyright?

Software That's Protected by Copyright

How do you enforce a copyright?

Do you have to register a copyright?

What is a Copyright Notice?

Ask the Expert - Victoria Cundiff

What is a Trade Secret?

How to Protect a Trade Secret

Why Get a Trade Secret?

How to Keep Trade Secrets Secure While Working Remotely

Remedies If Someone Uses Your Trade Secret

What Can be Protected as a Trade Secret?

Ask the expert - Jacqueline Allshouse-Hutchens

What is a Trademark?

What can be trademarked?

How do you enforce a trademark?

IPO Education Foundation (IPOEF)はIntellectual Property Owners Association (IPO)のIP教育に特化した社団です。寄付により税金の免除(tax exempt under 26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(3))が得られます。
The Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO) is a trade association that is composed of owners of intellectual property, represented mostly by in-house corporate counsel and private practice attorneys practicing in the field, and other parties interested in intellectual property law.