東南アジア 知的財産 中小企業ヘルプデスク (South East Asia IP SME Helpdesk) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.10

東南アジア 知的財産 中小企業ヘルプデスク 動画

東南アジア 知的財産 中小企業ヘルプデスク 動画

1. 2024-03-26_Brand Protection in Laos – Implications for European SMEs in the region, 1:11:20

2024-03-26_Brand Protection in Laos – Implications for European SMEs in the region

South-East Asia IP SME Helpdesk
東南アジア 知的財産 中小企業ヘルプデスク (South East Asia IP SME Helpdesk) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.9

The South-East Asia IP SME Helpdesk supports small and medium sized enterprises from the European Union (EU) and the other countries of the Single Market Programme (SMP)* to both protect and enforce their Intellectual Property (IP) rights in or relating to South-East Asian countries.

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