商標登録insideNews: International trademark system (Madrid System) 2022 Top Madrid filers,Top classes | WIPO

Madrid System 2022 Filing Report

Top Madrid filers The total number of applications filed under the Madrid System in 2022 reached 69,000. US-based applicants (12,495) filed the largest number of international trademark applications, followed by those located in Germany (7,695), China (4,991), France (4,403) and the United Kingdom (4,227)

情報源: International Patent Applications Defy 2022 Challenges, Continue Upward Trend

Top classes
The most specified class in international applications received by WIPO covers computer hardware and software and other electrical or electronic apparatus, accounting for 11.3% of the 2022 total. It was followed by the class covering business services (8.8%) and the one relating to scientific and technological services (8.5%).

Top 10 Countries for International Trademark Applications (1990-2022)

Top 10 Countries for International Trademark Applications (1990-2022)

最新(2023.3) のマドプロ加盟国のリスト マドリッド制度 締約国(マドリッドプロトコル)の 一覧Madrid System 2022 Filing Report
(Madrid System 2022 Filing Report)


商標登録insideNews: Mauritius Joins the Madrid System | WIPO

Mauritius Joins the Madrid System

Mauritius has joined the Madrid System, rounding up the number of countries covered by WIPO’s international trademark system to 130. The Government of Mauritius deposited its instrument of accession to the Madrid Protocol with WIPO Director General, Daren Tang on February 6, 2023. Mauritius is the 114th member of the Madrid System. Its accession further strengthens the Madrid System’s status as a truly global option for trademark protection, and particularly in the Eastern Africa and Indian Ocean Regions.

情報源: Mauritius Joins the Madrid System

The Madrid Protocol will enter into force in Mauritius on May 6, 2023.


Mauritius Joins WIPO’s International Design and Trademark Systems, 1:58 Mauritius Joins the Madrid System

Mauritius Joins WIPO's International Design and Trademark Systems



商標登録insideNews: Belize Joins the Madrid System | WIPO

Belize Joins the Madrid System

Belize is the latest country to join the Madrid System, expanding the global coverage of WIPO’s International Trademark System to 129 countries.

情報源: Belize Joins the Madrid SystemBelize Joins the Madrid System

The Madrid Protocol will enter into force in Belize on February 24, 2023.
各国商標データベース (国内外知的財産関連109機関) 地域ブロック別

The Madrid System offers a convenient and cost-effective solution for registering and managing trademarks worldwide. You file just one international application, in one language (English, French or Spanish – the filing languages of the Madrid System) and pay a single set of fees. You can prepare and track the status of your application(s) and manage your international registration(s) using the suite of online services available under eMadrid.


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世界知的所有権機関 動画

African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) Joins Geneva Act of WIPO’s Lisbon Agreement, 2:46 世界知的所有権機関 動画

African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) Joins Geneva Act of WIPO’s Lisbon Agreement

African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI)
商標に関する条約 (20条約)

The Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration, signed on 31 October 1958, ensures that in member countries, appellations of origin receive protection when are protected in their country of origin.


世界知的所有権機関(WIPO) vol.74 商標_動画(embedded)

世界知的所有権機関 動画

1.Where Brand Owners File the Most Trademark Applications: Top 10 from 2004-2021、0:57 世界知的所有権機関 動画

Where Brand Owners File the Most Trademark Applications: Top 10 from 2004-2021

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商標登録insideNews:【商標の国際出願】標章の国際登録に関するマドリッド協定規則の改正(2022年11月1日施行)| 特許庁


規則第3規則(2)(b)の改正により、国際登録の出願人及び名義人は、世界知的所有権機関(WIPO)国際事務局に対して代理人を選任するためには、関連する公式様式を使用するように要求されます。また、規則第30規則(1)(b) の改正により、名義人は国際登録の更新を従来の満了日の 3箇月前より早い、6箇月前に行うことが可能になります。WIPO 国際事務局は名義人が必要な手数料を支払ったことを確認次第、当該更新を登録する満了日まで待たずに、国際登録の更新を登録し、当該更新証明書を発行し、指定締約国に通報します。

情報源: 【商標の国際出願】標章の国際登録に関するマドリッド協定規則改正(2022年11月1日施行)| 経済産業省 特許庁マドリッド協定規則の改正

Amendments to the Regulations under the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks in force as from November 1, 2022 (MADRID/2022/30)


商標登録insideNews: The Global Brand Database: A New Interface Available Soon | WIPO 2022.9

WIPO’s new GBD interface

In the coming months, WIPO will launch a new user interface of the Global Brand Database. This new interface will offer an improved user experience while still providing the same features as the current interface. As of today, users can start trying the new interface. It is still a beta version:

情報源: The Global Brand Database: A New Interface Available Soon

WIPOのGlobal Brand Databaseのユーザーインターフェースが変わります。現在はベータ版を閲覧することができます。

wipo new GBD interface
Wipo’s new GBD interface coming soon

New Interface beta versionWipo's new GBD interface
商標登録insideNews: Indonesian Trademarks Collection now up-to-date in the Global Brand Database | WIPO


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1.The WIPO Global Awards Program: Creating a Community of Winners, 1:19

The WIPO Global Awards Program: Creating a Community of Winners
WIPO’s Global Awards program recognizes exceptional enterprises and individuals using intellectual property (IP) to make a positive impact – both locally and globally.

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WIPOD 国際商標制度についての講話 (International Trademark System Talks) Episode 1 to 9

WIPOD Madrid System Podcast

International Trademark System Talks

Perspectives, insights, historical background, and more on WIPO’s Madrid System for the international registration of marks – featuring experts and practitioners.
エピソード1-商標の歴史:古代世界から19世紀まで/A History of Trademarks: From the Ancient World to the 19th Century
エピソード2–商標の歴史:パリからローマ経由でマドリードへの道/A History of Trademarks: The Road to Madrid from Paris via Rome
エピソード3–商標の歴史:マドリッド協定の誕生/A History of Trademarks: The Birth of the Madrid Agreement
エピソード4–商標の歴史:マドリッド協定の詳細/A History of Trademarks: An In Depth Look at the Madrid Agreement
エピソード5-1891 年から 1900 年のブリュッセルの最初の法律までのマドリッド協定 (パート 1)/The Madrid Agreement from 1891 to the First Act of Brussels of 1900(part 1)
エピソード6-1891 年から 1900 年のブリュッセルの最初の法律までのマドリッド協定 (パート 2)/The Madrid Agreement from 1891 to the First Act of Brussels of 1900(part 2)
エピソード7-1900年のブリュッセル会議におけるマドリッド協定の最初の改訂/The First Revision of The Madrid Agreement at the Brussels Conference of 1900
エピソード 8 – 1911 年のワシントンから 1967 年のストックホルム。マドリッド協定の微調整 (パート 1)/Episode 9 – Washington 1911 to Stockholm 1967; Fine-tuning the Madrid Agreement (Part 1)
エピソード 9 – 1911 年のワシントンから 1967 年のストックホルムまで。マドリッド協定の微調整 (パート 2)?Episode 9 – Washington 1911 to Stockholm 1967; Fine-tuning the Madrid Agreement (Part 2)

Perspectives, insights, historical background, and more on WIPO’s Madrid System for the international registration of marks – featuring experts and practitioners.

情報源: WIPOD – International Trademark System Talks

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