商標登録insideNews: These five football stars have registered their names as trademarks | WIPO

Notable five footballers with personal brands

これら5人の著名なサッカー選手は、名前やロゴ、決めポーズなどを商標として登録しています ⬇️⬇️

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商標登録insideNews: Qatar Joins the Madrid System | WIPO


The Government of Qatar deposited its instrument of accession to the Madrid Protocol – the governing Treaty of the Madrid System – with WIPO Director General, Daren Tang on May 3, 2024. Qatar is the 115th Member of the Madrid System.This accession further strengthens the Madrid System as a practical and efficient solution for protecting trademarks worldwide.National trademark holders in four – Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates – out of the six countries that make up the Gulf Cooperation Council can now use the Madrid System to secure cross-border protection of their brands.

情報源: Qatar Joins the Madrid System

The Madrid Protocol will enter into force in Qatar on August 3, 2024. 国際登録でのカタールの指定開始は2024年8月3日からになります。

Members of the Madrid Union
商標登録insideNews: カタールがGCC統一商標法を採用、GCC全加盟国が準拠へ | ジェトロ

Doha, Qatar

(2024.5.31 追記)

Her Excellency Dr. Hind bint Abdul Rahman Al-Muftah, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the State of Qatar to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva, met with His Excellency Mr. Darren Tang, Director-General of the World Intellectual Property Organization, on May 3 to present the State of Qatar’s instrument of accession to Madrid Protocol for the International Registration of Trademarks.

情報源: Accession to Madrid Protocol – Ministry of Commerce and Industry


世界知的所有権機関(WIPO) vol.82 商標_動画 (embedded)

世界知的所有権機関 動画

1.Explained: WIPO Diplomatic Conference on Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge, 1:20
解説: 遺伝資源と関連する伝統的知識に関するWIPO外交会議

Explained: WIPO Diplomatic Conference on Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge

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WIPOD Intellectual Property Matters Eye on Copytight Enforcement Episode 1-4

WIPOD IP Matters

Take a deep dive into the fascinating world of creativity, innovation and intellectual property – listen, learn and get inspired by artists, musicians, entrepreneurs, researchers, experts, and others.

続きを読む“WIPOD Intellectual Property Matters Eye on Copytight Enforcement Episode 1-4”


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世界知的所有権機関 動画

1.Countries with Highest Trademark Filing Activity: Top 10 from 2004-2022, 0:49

Countries with Highest Trademark Filing Activity: Top 10 from 2004-2022

This video shows the top 10 countries with highest trademark filing activity (application class count) from 2004 to 2022.

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Protecting Innovation and Creativity: Danny Marti on Tackling IP crime | Mission Imagination, 10:57

Protecting Innovation and Creativity: Danny Marti on Tackling IP crime | Mission Imagination

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世界知的所有権機関(WIPO) vol.78 商標_動画 (embedded)

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1.CLIP: The Online Platform Where Creators Learn Intellectual Property, 1:18

CLIP: The Online Platform Where Creators Learn Intellectual Property

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