商標登録insideNews: Our New Madrid ‘How-to’ Videos | WIPO

世界知的所有権機関 Our New Madrid How-to Videos

世界知的所有権機関 Our New Madrid How-to Videos

Helping users to master various Madrid System transactions in under 5 minutes

情報源: Our New Madrid ‘How-to’ Videos

国際登録の名義人を変更する方法, 4:20 youtube

How to Change the Ownership of an International Trademark Registration


世界知的所有権機関(WIPO) vol.56 商標_動画(embedded/playlists)int-icon

Under the Madrid System, an international application is filed with the International Bureau of WIPO based on a trademark that has been applied for or registered with the Japan Patent Office (called a basic application or basic registration).

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