商標登録insideNews: EUIPO launch of AfrIPI aims to shake up trademark registration in Africa | Inventa International

EUIPO launch of AfrIPI

EUIPO launch of AfrIPI

AfrIPI is the EUIPO’s first IP-focused project that collaborates with African jurisdictions. Expected to last four years, it was launched in February 2020 and the Project Steering Committee’s inaugural meeting was on 7 September 2020. In addition to the European Commission and the EUIPO, the other project partners are the African Regional Intellectual Property Organisation (ARIPO), the African Intellectual PropertyOrganisation (OAPI) and the African Union Commission.

情報源: EUIPO launch of AfrIPI aims to shake up trademark registration in Africa – Inventa International


欧州連合国際知的財産協力(EU International Intellectual Property Cooperation) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.4

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