商標登録insideNews: 偽造品や海賊版、欠陥商品に対する責任はアマゾンにはない?…テキサス州で注目の裁判が始まる | Business Insider Japan


情報源: 偽造品や海賊版、欠陥商品に対する責任はアマゾンにはない?…テキサス州で注目の裁判が始まる | Business Insider Japan

20-0979, Amazon.com v. Morgan McMillan, 44:32 (2021/03/25 にライブ配信)

20-0979, Amazon.com v. Morgan McMillan

Amazon.com Inc. is set to tell the Texas Supreme Court Thursday that it’s not—and shouldn’t be—liable under state law for a toddler’s battery-ingestion injury, allegedly stemming from a product bought on the company’s web marketplace.

情報源: Amazon ‘Seller’ Liability to Be Argued in Texas Toddler’s Case