CarIPI Playlist
欧州連合国際知的財産協力(EU International Intellectual Property Cooperation) は欧州知的財産庁の様々な地域や国との知的財産に関する提携をプロジェクト形式で取り扱っており、China (People’s Republic), Latin America, South East AsiaについてはIP Keysとしても紹介されています。また、本ページのCarIPIは(カリブ海諸国)との知的財産についての国際的な連携です。他にAfrIPI(アフリカ諸国との連携),ARISE+ IPR(ASEAN諸国との連携)、ジョージアとの連携などがプロジェクト化されています。
1.CarIPI – CARIFORUM Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation

CarIPI - Steelpan, Preserving the Heritage of Trinidad and Tobago

CarIPI - Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights in CARIFORUM States Strengthened by EU support

CarIPI - Lidia Mejía habla de las indicaciones geográficas en República Dominicana

CarIPI - Wendy Hollingsworth explains why is important to foster intellectual property rights

CarIPI - Entrevista con Mariam Rodríguez de la Oficina Cubana de la Propiedad Industrial (OCPI)

CarIPI - Kavish Seetahal

CarIPI - Johanny Joseph, Director of IP Services of Haiti talks about Geographical Indications (GIs)

CarIPI - Wendy Hollingsworth explains CarIPI's mentorship programme

CarIPI - Dailyn González interview during the IP Enforcement Summit

CarIPI - CARIFORUM IP Mediation Workshop (Day 1)

CarIPI - Descriptiveness of trade marks in absolute grounds

CarIPI - Distinctiveness of trade marks in absolute grounds

CarIPI - What is TMClass?

CarIPI - EU Horizon 2020 funded project - TropicSafe

CarIPI - Presentation Opportunities for research cooperation between EU and CARIFORUM Countries (II)

CarIPI - Presentation Opportunities for research cooperation between EU and CARIFORUM Countries (I)

CarIPI - Tequila used as an Ingredient in Other Alcoholic Beverages

CarIPI - Case Study: Trinidad & Tobago Fine Cocoa Company

CarIPI - Entrevista ONAPI Informa

CARIFORUM Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation

Onapi Informa: Programa 28 de Mayo 2022 (51)

CarIPI - Specialised training on trade mark examination – in collaboration with BIE Suriname

CarIPI - EPA Coordinators Webinar on benefits of convergence of IP systems for cross-border trade SP

CarIPI - Plant Variety System in CARIFORUM

Protecting origin-linked products using Geographical Indications - E-learning course

CarIPI - CARIFORUM Case Law, Sheryl Washington-Vialva

CarIPI - EUIPO Case Law Database Caribbean, Pavel Burian

CarIPI- WIPO Lex Judgements, Inés Fernández

CarIPI - TM and GIs EU Case Law, Virginia Melgar

CarIPI - Case Law from Costa Rica: The Manchego Cheese, Pedro Suarez Baltodano

2.CarIPI – Specialised training session on trade marks for IPO staff

CarIPI - Unregistered marks and other signs used in the course of trade

CarIPI - Bad faith registration

欧州連合国際知的財産協力(EU International Intellectual Property Cooperation) 商標_動画 vol.6
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