ベネルクス知的財産庁(BOIP) vol.7 商標_動画(embedded)

ベネルクス知的財産庁 動画

ベネルクス知的財産庁 動画

1.BOIP promotiefilm, 3:19

動画中に、SMEs with IP rights have almost 68 % more revenue per employee than SMEs with no IP rights.の部分があります。

European companies with intellectual property (IP) rights (trademarks, designs or patents) have higher revenue per employee than companies with no IP rights. Companies with IP rights also pay higher salaries.

情報源: Higher revenue for companies with trademarks, designs or patents | Benelux Office for Intellectual Property

ベネルクス知的財産庁(BOIP) vol.6 商標_動画(embedded)

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