商標登録insideNews: ‘Mi Cocina’ Chain Hits ‘Mi Cocina Mexicana’ With Trademark Suit | bloomberglaw.com

Mi Cocina v. Mi Cocina Mexicana

Mi Cocina v. Mi Cocina Mexicana

Dallas-based Mexican restaurant chain Mi Cocina filed a trademark lawsuit against a Houston establishment operating as ‘Mi Cocina Mexicana’ in Texas federal court.Mi Cocina Ltd., which operates 22 restaurants in Texas and Oklahoma, sent three cease-and-desist letters to the alleged infringer, its complaint in the US District Court in the Southern District of Texas said. The infringer agreed by phone to stop after the third letter, but ultimately never did, Mi Cocina said.Mi Cocina has operated for more than three decades and first registered trademarks covering restaurants in 2000, according to the complaint.

情報源: ‘Mi Cocina’ Chain Hits ‘Mi Cocina Mexicana’ With Trademark Suit

Mi Cocina Mexicana (私のメキシコのキッチン)/Mi Cocina (私のキッチン)
COURT: S.D. Tex, No. 4:23-cv-00825Mi Cocina v. Mi Cocina Mexicana

A behind-the-scenes look at Mi Cocina on the Park, 4:30

A behind-the-scenes look at Mi Cocina on the Park

米国連邦商標法、不正競争、登録商標及び未登録商標の保護(§32, §43)

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