韓国特許情報院(KIPI) 商標_動画 (embedded) vol.1

韓国特許情報院 動画

1.Korea Institute of Patent Information Representative video, 5:43 韓国特許情報院 動画

Korea Institute of Patent Information Representative video

2.KIPRIS Introduction(English), 2:18

KIPRIS Introduction(English)

3.KIPRIS PLUS 소개, 2:35

한국특허정보원 韓国特許情報院(KIPI)
韓国の商標登録を検索(KIPRIS) 商標登録 検索vol.12

Korea Institute of Patent Information was established to promote international competitiveness of industries and to contribute to technological developments by providing and distributing information efficiently to industries, research institutes, and academia such as information on domestic and foreign intellectual properties and technologies.

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