商標登録insideNews: Lamborghini Trademarks Temerario Name, Is It For Huracan Successor ? | Carscoops

Temerario TM was filed with EUIPO

Temerario TM was filed with EUIPO
EUIPO 019007597

It recently emerged that the Italian supercar manufacturer had submitted a trademark filing with the European Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) for the name ‘Temerario’. As noted by Carbuzz that discovered it, this trademark filing also includes a graphic representation of the name, showing Temerario in a familiar Lamborghini text with bull horns on the corners of the ‘T’ and the ‘O.’

情報源: Lamborghini Trademarks Temerario Name, Is It For Huracan Successor ? | Carscoops

“Temerario”はイタリア語でテメラリオと発音され、無謀の意味になります。(Lamborghini Temerario)
Trademark Filing Suggests Huracan Successor To Be Called “Lamborghini Temerario”, 4:10

Filing number 019007597
Type Figurative
Nice classes 9, 12, 14, 25, 28 ( Nice Classification )
Filing date 02/04/2024
Applicant Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A.

|現時点で名前を要するランボルギーニのニューモデルはひとつしかなく、ウラカン後継モデルの名称だと考えて良さそうだ | このウラカン後継モデルの発表は4月初旬という話もあるようだが さて、ランボルギー

情報源: ランボルギーニ・ウラカン後継モデルの名称は「TEMERARIO(テメラリオ)」?そのままの意味だと「無謀」という商標が出願される – Life in the FAST LANE.

Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A.
Lamborghini applies to trademark ‘Revuelto’ name in Europe

Lamborghini Temerario: You can’t hide who you are、2:16 youtube

Lamborghini Temerario: You can't hide who you are
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