世界貿易機関 動画
Trade Dialogues Lecture Series

What is the WTO Trade Dialogues Lecture Series?

Trade Dialogues: Professor Paola Conconi (full lecture)

Trade Dialogues: World Trade Report 2017 - Trade, technology and jobs (full lecture)

Trade Dialogues: Eskil Ullberg (full lecture)

Trade Dialogues: Ralph Ossa (full lecture)

Trade Dialogues: Jens Suedekum and Farid Toubal (full lecture)

Trade Dialogues: Marc-Andreas Muendler (full lecture)

Trade Dialogues: Gaaitzen de Vries (full lecture)

Trade Dialogues: Carl Benedikt Frey (full lecture)

Trade Dialogues: Eric Verhoogen (full lecture)

Trade Dialogues: David Dorn (full lecture)

Trade Dialogues: Lucian Cernat and Torben Andersen (full lecture)

Trade Dialogues: Marc-Andreas Muendler (short version)

Trade Dialogues: Gaaitzen de Vries (short version)

Trade Dialogues: Carl Benedikt Frey (short version)

Trade Dialogues: Eric Verhoogen (short version)

Trade Dialogues: David Dorn (short version)

Trade Dialogues: Lucian Cernat (short version)

Trade Dialogues: Torben Andersen (short version)

Trade Dialogues: Jens Suedekum (short version)

Trade Dialogues: Ralph Ossa (short version)

Trade Dialogues: Eskil Ullberg (short version)

Trade Dialogues: World Trade Report 2017 - Trade, technology and jobs (short version)

Trade Dialogues: Paola Conconi (short video)

E-commerce - Interview with Consumers International Director General Leurent

WTO's "Trade Dialogues"

Trade Dialogues: World Trade Report 2018

世界貿易機関(WTO) vol.2 商標_動画(embedded/playlist)
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only international organization that deals with the rules of global trade between nations. The WTO continues to oversee the implementation of the agreements reached in the 1986-1994 Uruguay Round of world trade negotiations.
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