商標登録insideNews: Thatchers lose trademark fight with Aldi over rival cider drinks | BBC News

Thatchers lose TM dispute over Lemon Cider

Thatchers brewery has lost a High Court trademark battle against Aldi over rival cider products.The Somerset-based brewer sued the supermarket chain over claims had “copycatted” its Cloudy Lemon Cider “in both taste and appearance”.Following a blind taste test, Judge Melissa Clarke ruled on Wednesday there was a “low degree of similarity”

情報源: Thatchers lose trademark fight with Aldi over rival cider drinks – BBC News

Thatchers Cloudy Lemon Cider, 0:06 Thatchers lose TM dispute over Lemon Cider

Thatchers Cloudy Lemon Cider

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