商標登録insideNews: Taiwan’s First Semi-Annual Statistical Report in 2021 for Patent and Trademark Filings | Lexology

Trademark Applications(1)The number of trademark filings from domestic applicants hit a new record high.There were 46,379 case-based trademark applications filed, and 59,814 class-based applications filed, representing an increase of 7% on last year over the same period. While filings from both domestic and foreign applicants both increased, the number of filings from domestic applicants reached a total of 35,048.(2)The class with the most domestic applications made was class 35; the class with the most foreign applications was class 9.Domestic applicants filed 6,919 applications (with a growth of 16%) in class 35 for “advertising, business management, retail and wholesale services.” Foreign applicants filed 2,115 applications in class 9 for “computer and technology products.” Among the foreign origins with the most trademark applicants for this period, China took first place.

情報源: Taiwan’s First Semi-Annual Statistical Report in 2021 for Patent and Trademark Filings – Lexology


情報源: 經濟部智慧財產局-最新消息-新聞稿-智慧局公布110年上半年智慧財產權趨勢



商標登録insideNews: 日本企業の商標出願数は落ち込みが予想され、既存の権利の活用に集中 Blog – World Trademark Review

ブログは、主に特許庁の平成27年知的財産活動調査 結果の概要について、コメントしたものです。この結果の概要では、商標の出願件数については、「卸売・小売業」が多く、2014 年から2015 年にかけては増加する業種が多いものの、2016 年にかけて「輸送用機械製造業」以外のすべての業種で減少する見通しとしています。地域別商標出願割合については、国内が54.2%であるのに対し、アジアが26.9%、米国が3.7%、欧州が3.5%と、海外出願のうちアジアが6割近くを占めています。業種別にみると、「個人・その他」、「教育・TLO・公的研究機関・公務」、「建設業」などで国内出願の割合が高く、「輸送用機械製造業」で外国出願の割合が高いとなっています。

Filings expected to plummet as Japanese companies streamline portfolios and focus on utilisation of existing rights – Blog – World Trademark Review

情報源: Filings expected to plummet as Japanese companies streamline portfolios and focus on utilisation of existing rights – Blog – World Trademark Review
