商標登録insideNews: 「暗号資産」「仮想通貨」に関連する役務を指定する商標登録出願の取扱いについて | 経済産業省 特許庁




情報源: 「暗号資産」「仮想通貨」に関連する役務を指定する商標登録出願の取扱いについて | 経済産業省 特許庁

第36類 (類似群コード:36A01)


(2024.3.29 追記)
第36類 (類似群コード:36A01 36B01)


なお、米国出願のIDとして、cryto assetはNGで、cryptocurrecyはGという流れもあります。
Servics including the wording of “crypto assets.” This wording is no longer acceptable. Crypto asset is broadly defined to encompass a wide array of blockchain-based items incorporating cryptographic protocols, including financial instruments and other items that are not financial instruments. Thus, the function of the software is unclear due to the ambiguous wording crypto asset. Please see TMEP §1402.03(d). See also the existing entry for “Downloadable computer software for managing cryptocurrency transactions using blockchain technology” in Class 9


On 1 January 2023, the 12th edition of the Nice Classification came into force. This is an internationally recognized system, established following…

情報源: New Nice Classification: Trademarks related to virtual goods in the metaverse and NFT finally protected – Lexology

商標登録insideNews: 仮想空間及び非代替性トークン(NFT)に関する指定商品・指定役務のガイドライン | 特許庁

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