🆕 商標_最新情報 商標登録insideNews: Fees on Geographical Indications | Rospatent 2020年6月30日 2020年7月3日 ロシア, ロシア連邦知的財産特許商標庁, 地理的表示, 法改正 On July 27, 2020, amendments to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation come into force, making it possible to register and protect a new object of intellectual property rights, a geographical indication. 情報源: Fees on Geographical Indications Bookmark いいね: いいね 読み込み中... お薦めの記事 こちらの記事もどうぞ 商標登録insideNews: Geographical indications in Russia – Lexology 商標登録insideNews: The Russian Intellectual Property Office now allows for 3-Dimensional representations of IP | ip-coster.com 商標登録insideNews: New publication: Geographical Indications Manual | EU Funded IP Projects 商標登録insideNews: EU-China landmark Geographical Indications agreement | European Commission 商標登録insideNews: ロシア知的財産権関連の手数料を改正 | Rospatent 商標登録insideNews: Geographical indications for craft and industrial products | European Commisson 商標登録insideNews: Changes to the IP related legislation in Kazakhstan | IP-Coster 商標登録insideNews: Disputes over geographical indications of wine trademarks | China Business Law Journal 商標登録insideNews: Registration Of Geographical Indications Now Possible In Philippines | mondaq.com 商標登録insideNews: Expansion of Geographical Indications Under CETA Now in Effect in Canada – Lexology 商標登録insideNews: Study on the ‘Protection and Control of Geographical Indications for Agricultural Products in the EU Member States | EUIPO 商標登録insideNews: MEPs approve new rules protecting geographical indications of EU crafts | European Parliament 商標登録insideNews: Expanded protection for geographical indications in Canada – Lexology 商標登録insideNews: Lisbon Agreement’s Geneva Act Receives First Geographical Indication: Kampot Pepper from Cambodia | WIPO 最終更新日:2020/07/03 商標登録insideNews: Another Step Towards Creating A Regional Trademark Protection System Across Eurasia – Intellectual Property – Russian Federation | mondaq.com 商標登録insideNews: 「暗号資産」「仮想通貨」に関連する役務を指定する商標登録出願の取扱いについて | 経済産業省 特許庁