情報源: レッドスキンズがチーム名とロゴ変更へ 人種差別抗議広がりで NFLの名門 – 毎日新聞
The Washington Redskins have been asked by FedEx, a top sponsor, to rebrand, while Nike, the NFL’s apparel provider, has removed club merchandise from its online store.
A source tells Stephen A. the Redskins will change the name of their team | First Take, 6:58
A source tells Stephen A. the Redskins will change the name of their team | First Take
商標登録insideNews: NFLワシントンの新ニックネームはコマンダース 旧名はレッドスキンズ(2020年に廃止) | Sponichi Annex スポーツ
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