商標登録insideNews: 荏原、「知財図鑑」へ参画 知財情報公開し活用・展開の可能性模索 | 財経新聞

荏原 知財図鑑へ参画

荏原 知財図鑑へ参画


情報源: 荏原、「知財図鑑」へ参画 知財情報公開し活用・展開の可能性模索 | 財経新聞

知財図鑑, 2:04

知財図鑑 Note

無料データベースでの商標登録の検索 商標登録 検索vol.2

On the 7th, Ebara Corporation announced that it has published information on its intellectual property holdings in the “Intellectual Property Encyclopedia.” The Intellectual Property Encyclopedia is a database of intellectual property that aims to encourage collaboration and create new businesses by expressing intellectual property in an easy-to-understand manner, raising possibilities (fantasizing), and publishing it on the web.

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