米国犯罪防止協議会(NCPC) 商標_動画 vol.1

米国犯罪防止協議会 動画

The Real McGruff PSA 2022 NCPC 60Sec 米国犯罪防止協議会 動画

The Real McGruff PSA 2022 NCPC 60Sec

Intellectual Property (IP) Theft and Identity Theft
McGruff the Crime Dog/NCPC

National Crime Prevention Council is an American educational 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in Washington, D.C. whose mission is to enable people to create safer and more caring communities by addressing the causes of crime, drugs and violence and reducing the opportunities for crime to occur.(from wikipedia)
米国税関国境警備局(CBP) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.4

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