米国特許商標庁 (USPTO) 商標_動画 (embedded) vol.48

米国特許商標庁 動画

1.Attorney practitioners: 2024 Trademark identification and classification updates, 1:34:56 

Attorney practitioners: 2024 Trademark identification and classification updates

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米国特許商標庁 (USPTO) 商標_動画 (embedded) vol.47

米国特許商標庁 動画

1.Trademark public listening session on potential changes to attorney recognition、40:50 

Trademark public listening session on potential changes to attorney recognition

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商標登録insideNews: USPTO Implementing New Trademark Application Filing System And Increasing Fees | mondaq.com

USPTO Fee Increase Nov. 2024

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) recently published notice that it intends to move forward with plans to increase trademark filing fees effective November 2024.

情報源: United States – Trademark – USPTO Implementing New Trademark Application Filing System And Increasing Fees

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

基本出願の出願手数料は 250 ドルから 350 ドルに増加します。不完全な申請の場合は追加 100 ドルです。USPTO の商標 ID マニュアルから事前に承認された指定商品・指定役務の記載を選択するのではなく、商品または役務の独自の説明を使用する場合は、1 クラスあたり 200 ドルの追加になります。また過度に長い指定商品・指定役務の記載(ID)の場合はクラス毎に 200 ドル (スペースと句読点を含む、最初の 1,000 文字を超える 1,000 文字の追加グループ毎) 
⚠文字は語(word)ではなく、charactersの数です。例えばtrademarkは1語ですが、characterの数は9(スペースも入れると10)です。適用となるベースは、1a, 1b 44, 66aですので、マドプロ経由の出願も1000 character ruleが適用されます。日本の類記載をそのまま翻訳して長いIDとなった場合は超過料金が凄いことになる可能性があります。11月の施行日よりも後の米国出願、米国指定の国際出願は指定商品・指定役務の記載の長さも気にする必要がありそうです。

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商標登録insideNews: USPTO Provides Guidance on Using AI-Based Tools in Filing and Preparing Patent and Trademark Applications | Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP

USPTO Provides Guidance on Using AI-Based Tools

New guidance from the USPTO discusses the risks of using AI tools in preparing patent and trademark applications, and how practitioners’ existing duties and obligations apply when using AI technology in applications.

情報源: USPTO Provides Guidance on Using AI-Based Tools in Filing and Preparing Patent and Trademark Applications | Insights | Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP

USPTO Provides Guidance on Using AI-Based Tools

Guidance on Use of Artificial Intelligence-Based Tools in Practice Before the United States Patent and Trademark Office ::Federal Register

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米国特許商標庁 (USPTO) 商標_動画 (embedded) vol.46

米国特許商標庁 動画

米国特許商標庁 動画
USPTO Entrance, Virgina

Attorney practitioners: Avoid attorney scams and bad behavior、1:29:34

Attorney practitioners: Avoid attorney scams and bad behavior

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米国商標実務 TMEP 商品・役務の記載 vol.5

新しい技術分野の登録可能な商品役務 ID Manualからの抽出 それぞれ新しい技術分野の商品役務として米国特許商標庁のID manualに挙げられている記載を抽出しています。A/Dの欄は、ID manualの入力状態( …

商標登録insideNews: Federal Register :: Setting and Adjusting Trademark Fees During Fiscal Year 2025

Federal Register for Setting and adjusting USPTO TM fees 2025

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) proposes to set and adjust trademark fees, as authorized by the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act (AIA), as amended by the Study of Underrepresented Classes Chasing Engineering and Science Success Act of 2018 (SUCCESS Act). The USPTO solicits comments from the public on this proposed rule. Written comments must be received on or before May 28, 2024 to ensure consideration. Federal Register for Setting and adjusting USPTO TM fees 2025

情報源: Federal Register :: Setting and Adjusting Trademark Fees During Fiscal Year 2025 amd Request for comments

(vi) Additional fee under § 2.22(d) for each additional 1,000 characters in identifications of goods/services beyond the first 1,000 characters, per class—$200.00.とのルールが成立しそうです。


The USPTO has requested written opinion from the public in response to its proposed changes to trademark filing procedures and fees. The new rules aim to support the office’s strategic objectives and improve prosecution.

情報源: USPTO proposes new filing rules for 2025 – World Trademark Review

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商標登録insideNews: Arlington’s USA Rice wins trademark case over RightRice | Washington Business Journal

RightRice TM was cancelled by USPTO

RightRice, which is found on D.C.-based Cava’s fast-casual restaurant menu and sold in supermarkets nationwide, is currently branded as RightRice®, with a rice-shaped mark over the second “i” instead of a dot. The Nov. 29 decision of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s Trademark Trial and Appeal Board to cancel the trademark means the symbol will have to come off, the federation states, though “rice” can remain — rice is a grain, not a trademark.

情報源: Arlington’s USA Rice wins trademark case over RightRice – Washington Business Journal

The USA Rice Federation’s challenge leads to the cancellation of RightRice®’s trademark, sparking debates on food naming and marketing.

情報源: Trademark Win for USA Rice Federation: RightRice® Mark Cancelled i…

Application Filing Date: Sep. 06, 2017
US Serial Number: 87598342
US Registration Number: 5597052

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商標登録insideNews: USPTO denies OpenAI’s attempts to trademark ‘ChatGPT’ and ‘GPT’ | GeekWire

USPTO denies ChatGPT and GPT trademark right to OpenAI

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, in separate decisions issued in early February, denied OpenAI’s applications to trademark “ChatGPT” and “GPT.”OpenAI has the option to appeal the decisions to the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board within three months. But if the rulings stand, they will prevent the company from defending its exclusive use of the phrases, opening them up to widespread adoption as common terms across the industry.

情報源: USPTO denies OpenAI’s attempts to trademark ‘ChatGPT’ and ‘GPT’ – GeekWire

USPTO denies ChatGPT and GPT trademark right to OpenAI

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