特許庁 (JPO Channel) 商標_動画 vol.15 (embedded)

特許庁 動画

1. VTuberになってホンネをぶつけ合う!?大企業とスタートアップの協業のホントのところ~忖度禁止!さらばタテマエ!!, 1:53:41 特許庁 動画


2.グローバル知財戦略フォーラム2022 予告, 2:00

グローバル知財戦略フォーラム2022 予告

特許庁(JPO) vol.14 with 農林水産省 商標_動画(embedded)


特許庁 東京都千代田区

The Global Intellectual Property Strategy Forum introduces the latest domestic and international topics related to management and intellectual property strategy, contributing to the construction of an intellectual property strategy that is linked to management strategy, amidst the drastic changes in the environment surrounding business and intellectual property. It is a forum for the purpose of providing information


商標登録insideNews: Bengals star files trademark based on nickname | wcpo.com

Nickname of Kicker for Bengals

CINCINNATI — Cincinnati Bengals rookie kicker Evan McPherson may be soon on his way to officially becoming ‘Money Mac.’McPherson filed a trademark application for his nickname ‘Money Mac’ to be used on apparel, according to his attorney Darren Heitner.The Action Network’s Darren Rovell reported on the trademark filing Jan. 30.

情報源: Bengals star files trademark based on nickname

ルーキーながらチーフスとのAFC決勝でクラッチキックを成功させたMcPherson選手が”Money Mac”とのニックネームを出願したという話です。ラムズとのスーパーボールでは最後の見せ場とはならなかったのですが、試合展開ではクラッチキックが再びありえたところです。

Goods and Services IC 025. G & S: Beanies; Hats; Pants; Scarves; Shirts; Shoes; Shorts; Sneakers; Socks; Sweatpants; T-shirts; Athletic jackets; Athletic shirts; Athletic shorts; Athletic sweaters; Football shoes; Football uniforms; Long-sleeved shirts; Skullies; Tank tops; Sports jerseys; Waist belts
Standard Characters Claimed
Serial Number 97238104
Filing Date January 25, 2022
Current Basis 1B
Owner (APPLICANT) McPherson, Evan
Kicker for Bengals

米国税関国境警備局(CBP) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.4
