欧州復興開発銀行(EBRD) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.1

欧州復興開発銀行 動画

欧州復興開発銀行 動画
1.International Advisory: Launching an Independent Brand in Ukraine、3:00

International Advisory: Launching an Independent Brand in Ukraine

2.Egyptian cosmetics: re-branding for exporting、1:47

Egyptian cosmetics: re-branding for exporting

3.Croatia Terroirs – Geographical Indications、2:56

Croatia Terroirs - Geographical Indications

4.Supporting Serbia’s Sour Cherry Production、4:15

Supporting Serbia's Sour Cherry Production

欧州復興開発銀行 は、旧共産圏である中東欧諸国の経済体制転換を促進や、民間の経済活動による自由市場経済の発展を支援する活動を行っている国際開発金融機関です。
欧州連合商標制度 vol.1
欧州連合商標制度 vol.2
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is a multilateral development financial institution that promotes economic system transformation in the former communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe and supports the development of free market economies through private economic activities.

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