欧州連合知的財産庁(EUIPO) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.72

欧州連合知的財産庁 動画

欧州連合知的財産庁 動画

1. LIVE: International IP Enforcement Summit – 14 June 2023 (Day 1), 7:48:14 欧州連合知的財産庁 動画

LIVE: International IP Enforcement Summit - 14 June 2023 (Day 1)

2.LIVE: International IP Enforcement Summit – 15 June 2023 (Day 2), 4:03:10

LIVE: International IP Enforcement Summit - 15 June 2023 (Day 2)

3.IP Mediation Conference 2023: A business case for business, 0:28

IP Mediation Conference 2023: A business case for business

The fifth International IP Enforcement Summit
欧州連合商標制度 vol.1
欧州連合商標制度 vol.2
The event will be live streamed from the the National Palace of Culture in Sofía, Bulgaria on the 14 & 15th June 2023

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