商標登録insideNews: ルブタンの「赤い靴底」訴訟、独占商標に暗雲

赤い靴底 訴訟 ECJ

赤い靴底 訴訟 ECJ

[ブリュッセル 6日 ロイター] – フランスのデザイナー、クリスチャン・ルブタンが、ハイヒールに赤い底を使用する権利の独占を求めていた訴訟で6日、欧州連合(EU)の最高裁に当たる欧州司法裁判所(ECJ)の法務官が、他人が類似の靴底を販売することを阻止する権利は認められないとの見解を示した。独占商標への道に暗雲が垂れ込めた形となった。

情報源: ルブタンの「赤い靴底」訴訟、独占商標に暗雲

(赤い靴底 訴訟 ECJ)

delivered on 6 February 2018 (1)

Case C‑163/16

Christian Louboutin,
Christian Louboutin SAS
Van Haren Schoenen BV

(Request for a preliminary ruling from the Rechtbank Den Haag (District Court, The Hague, Netherlands))
(Reopening of the oral procedure — Reference for a preliminary ruling — Trade marks — Refusal of registration or invalidity — Shape — Concept — Three-dimensional properties of the goods — Colour)

67. In the light of the foregoing considerations and the analysis conducted in my first Opinion, I maintain my proposed answer to the question referred for a preliminary ruling by the Rechtbank Den Haag (District Court, The Hague, Netherlands), which read as follows:

Article 3(1)(e)(iii) of Directive 2008/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 to approximate the laws of the Member States relating to trade marks is to be interpreted as being capable of applying to a sign consisting of the shape of a product and seeking protection for a certain colour. The concept of a shape which ‘gives substantial value’ to the goods, within the meaning of that provision, relates only to the intrinsic value of the shape, and does not permit the reputation of the mark or its proprietor to be taken into account.

Christian Louboutin Paints Paris and NYC Red on His Way to the Saks Boutique Opening、1:21 赤い靴底 訴訟 ECJ

Christian Louboutin Paints Paris and NYC Red on His Way to the Saks Boutique Opening

商標登録insideNews: 東京地裁が「ルブタン」のレッドソールを「一般的なデザイン」と判断 エイゾーコレクションに対する約4200万円の損害賠償請求も棄却 – WWDJAPAN(赤い靴底 訴訟 ECJ)

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