EU Justice and Consumers 商標_動画 (embedded/playlist) vol.1 Influencer Legal Hub

EU Justice and Consumers 動画

EU Justice and Consumers 動画

This platform provides content creators, influencers, advertisers and agencies active in the European Union, with basic guidance on how to comply with EU consumer protection law. Access resources such as video trainings, checklists and links to national authorities.

情報源: Influencer Legal Hub – European Commission

続きを読む“EU Justice and Consumers 商標_動画 (embedded/playlist) vol.1 Influencer Legal Hub”

商標登録insideNews: Rolex failed to block a crown trademark for clothing in the EU | EUIPO twitter

Rolex failed to block a crown trademark for clothing

Rolex failed to block a crown trademark for clothing

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Rolex failed to block a crown trademark for clothing in the EU | EUIPO twitter”

インド 中小企業・知的財産ヘルプデスク (India IP SME Helpdesk) vol. 3 商標_動画(embedded)

インド 中小企業・知的財産ヘルプデスク 動画

インド 中小企業・知的財産ヘルプデスク 動画
インドIP SMEヘルプデスクチームは、皆様にメリークリスマスと2023年の幸せな新年をお祈りいたします。
続きを読む“インド 中小企業・知的財産ヘルプデスク (India IP SME Helpdesk) vol. 3 商標_動画(embedded)”

商標登録insideNews: Geographical indications for craft and industrial products | European Commisson

GIs for craft and industrial products

On 13 April 2022, the Commission adopted a proposal for a regulationSearch for available translations of the preceding link on GIs for craft and industrial products to offer protection to products such as Murano glass, Donegal tweed, Porcelaine de Limoges, Solingen cutlery and Boleslawiec pottery. The proposal aims to enable producers to protect craft and industrial products and their traditional know-how in Europe and beyond. 

情報源: Geographical indications for craft and industrial products

p>情報源: EUIPO – New proposal for an EU regulation on GIs for craft and industrial pr

COM_2022_174_1_EN_ACT_part1 (Regulation on Geographical indication)GIs for craft and industrial products

商標登録insideNews: 欧州委、GI制度の見直し案を発表、EUIPOの協力には懸念の声も(EU) | ジェトロ
