特許庁(JPO) vol.7 商標_動画(embedded)

特許庁 動画

1.模擬国際仲裁 -5G時代のSEP紛争の早期解決に向けて- 6:37:18 (通訳なしバージョン)
Mock International Arbitration – Toward Early Dispute Resolution of SEPs in the 5G Era

Mock International Arbitration - Toward Early Dispute Resolution of SEPs in the 5G Era -

ADR (裁判外紛争解決手続) 3種類のADR手続

This video shows a mock international arbitration to demonstrate international arbitrations under the assumption that we have entered the Fifth-Generation Mobile Communications System (5G) era with intention to show in detail how disputes over SEPs can be resolved through international arbitration.

特許庁 動画

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