商標登録insideNews: Supreme Court May Review Trademark Territoriality | JDSupra

SCT may review territoriality issue

The United States Supreme Court has a new opportunity to look at whether a U.S. trademark owner can recover damages for infringing uses of the owner’s mark occurring outside the United States. … The district court jury returned a verdict to the tune of $90 million, finding that Abitron had willfully infringed the Hetronic mark— even though 97% of the infringing sales were made in Europe. The district court entered a final judgment in line with the jury’s verdict as well as a worldwide permanent injunction.

情報源: Supreme Court May Review Trademark Territoriality | Miller Nash LLP – JDSupra

US Supreme CourtSCT may review territoriality issue
商標登録insideNews: Recent 2022 Developments Shaping Trademark Law | natlawreview.com
(SCT may review territoriality issue)
Abitron Austria GmbH v. Hetronic International, Inc.

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