商標登録insideNews: Summary of 2025 trademark fee changes | USPTO

US trademark official fee increases from Jan. 18, 2025

This page highlights the changes in the fiscal year 2025 final trademark fee rule. … This final rule sets or adjusts 28 trademark fees, and the changes become effective on January 18, 2025. We’ll highlight some of those changes on this page.

情報源: Summary of 2025 trademark fee changes | USPTO

2025年1月18日から米国商標の出願費用や権利維持費用が値上げとなります。また、指定商品および指定役務の1,000キャラクターリミット(1,000-character limit)のルールも始まります。マドリッド制度の米国指定出願については、「世界知的所有権機関 (WIPO) は現在、第 66(a) 条の出願を記録する前に追加料金を徴収することができません。WIPO が追加料金を実施する能力を開発した後、将来的にはマドリッド出願の基本出願および追加料金のシステムを再検討する予定です。」とのことで、WIPO の追加料金のシステム完成待ちとなります。

US trademark official fee increases from Jan. 18, 2025

Application fees

Fee description Current fee New fee
TEAS Standard application $350 n/a
TEAS Plus application $250 n/a
Base application (sections 1 and 44), per class n/a $350
Application fee filed with WIPO (section 66(a)), per class $500 $600
Subsequent designation fee filed with WIPO (section 66(a)), per class $500 $600
Surcharge description Current fee New fee
Insufficient information (sections 1 and 44), per class n/a $100
Using the free-form text box instead of the Trademark ID Manual within
Trademark Center to identify goods and services (sections 1 and 44), per class
n/a $200
Each additional group of 1,000 characters in the free-form text box
beyond the first 1,000 (sections 1 and 44), per class
n/a $200

Post-registration maintenance fees

Fee description Current fee New fee
Section 9 registration renewal application, per class $300 $325
Section 8 declaration, per class $225 $325
Section 15 declaration, per class $200 $250
Section 71 declaration, per class $225 $325
Renewal fee filed at WIPO $300 $325

Petitions and letters of protest fees

Fee description Current fee New fee
Petition to the Director $250 $400
Petition to revive an application $150 $250
Letter of protest $50 $150

Intent-to-use fees

Fee description Current fee New fee
Amendment to allege use (AAU), per class $100 $150
Statement of use (SOU), per class $100 $150

Setting and Adjusting Trademark Fees During Fiscal Year 2025(Federal Register)ext-icon
商標登録insideNews: Trademark Public Advisory Committee Public Hearing on the Proposed Trademark Fee Schedule | Federal Register (88 FR 25623)int-icon

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