米国商標実務 獲得した識別力を示すための要因 TMEP§1212




How to claim acquired distinctiveness under Section 2(f) You may submit actual evidence that the applied-for mark has acquired distinctiveness under Section 2(f) in connection with applicant’s goods. In other words, because of the extensive use and promotion of the mark, consumers now directly associate the mark with the applicant as the source of those goods. Note: Long-term use alone is generally not sufficient to show acquired distinctiveness for marks that are merely ornamental.
Acceptable evidence of use and promotion can include:

(a) advertising and promotional materials that specifically show or promote the applied-for mark in use as a trademark and source-identifier;
(b) dollar figures for advertising devoted to such promotion;
(c) dealer and consumer statements indicating recognition of the applied-for mark as a trademark;
(d) other evidence that shows consumer recognition of the applied-for mark as a trademark for applicant's goods.
(a) 出願商標が商標および出所識別情報として使用されていることを具体的に示し、または宣伝する広告および宣伝資料。
(b) 宣伝に費やされた広告の金額。
(c) 出願商標が商標として認識されていることを示す販売業者および消費者の声明。
(d) 出願商標が申請者の商品の商標として消費者に認識されていることを示すその他の証拠。

情報源: How to claim acquired distinctiveness under Section 2(f) | USPTO


コンバース要因(Converse Factor)

審査段階で識別力なしと審査官が推定してきた場合には、コンバース要因(Converse Factor)を挙げて証拠を説明することが求められる傾向にあります。
When determining whether the evidence shows the mark has acquired distinctiveness, the trademark examining attorney will consider the following six factors:

(1) association of the mark with a particular source by actual purchasers (typically measured by customer surveys linking the name to the source);
(2) length, degree, and exclusivity of use;
(3) amount and manner of advertising;
(4) amount of sales and number of customers;
(5) intentional copying; and
(6) unsolicited media coverage.
(1) 実際の購入者によるトレード ドレスと特定のソースとの関連性 (通常は顧客調査によって測定)、
(2) 使用期間、使用度、および排他性、
(3) 広告の量と方法、
(4) 売上高と顧客数、
(5) 意図的な模倣、
(6) 商標を体現する製品に関する一方的なメディア報道

See Converse, Inc. v. ITC, 909 F.3d 1110, 1120, 128 USPQ2d 1538, 1546 (Fed. Cir. 2018) (“the Converse factors”). “[N]o single factor is determinative.” In re Steelbuilding.com, 415 F.3d at 1300, 75 USPQ2d at 1424; see TMEP §§1212.06 et seq. Rather, all factors are weighed together in light of all the circumstances to determine whether the mark has acquired distinctiveness. In re Steelbuilding.com, 415 F.3d at 1300, 75 USPQ2d at 1424. This evidence must demonstrate that the relevant public understands the primary significance of the mark as identifying the source of applicant’s product or service rather than identifying the product or service itself. In re Steelbuilding.com, 415 F.3d at 1297, 75 USPQ2d at 1422.

コーチ要因(Couch factor)

To determine whether a mark has acquired secondary meaning, courts consider: advertising expenditures and sales success; length and exclusivity of use; unsolicited media coverage; copying of the mark by the defendant; and consumer studies.
(裁判所は、広告費と販売実績、使用期間と独占権、一方的なメディア報道、被告による商標の複製、および消費者調査を考慮する。) Coach Servs ., Inc. v. Triumph Learning LLC, 668 F.3d 1356, 1379 (Fed. Cir. 2012), see also Real Foods Pty Ltd. v. Frito-Lay N. Am., Inc., 906 F.3d 965, 978 (Fed. Cir. 2018) (quoting Coach for same proposition)

1212.02(f)(i) Standards for Establishing Acquired Distinctiveness for Claims of §2(f) in Part

  1. Prior Registrations (先の登録) : A claim of ownership of one or more active prior registrations on the Principal Register of the relevant portion of the mark for goods or services that are sufficiently similar to those identified in the pending application (see 37 C.F.R. §2.41(a)(1); TMEP §§1212.04–1212.04(e))
  2. Five Years’ Use (5年間の使用) : A verified statement that the relevant portion of the mark has become distinctive of the applicant’s goods or services by reason of the applicant’s substantially exclusive and continuous use of the mark in commerce for the five years before the date on which the claim of distinctiveness is made (see 37 C.F.R. §2.41(a)(2); TMEP §§1212.05–1212.05(d)); or
  3. Other Evidence(他の証拠): Other appropriate evidence of acquired distinctiveness of the relevant portion of the mark (see 37 C.F.R. §2.41(a)(3); TMEP §§1212.06–1212.06(e)(iv))

応答方法(Responding method)

Five Years’ Useは書式的にサインが必要ですが、入力時に5年の使用をチェックすることで、提出者(代理人)の署名で足りることになります。先の登録を挙げる場合には、先の登録のチェックを入れて登録番号を記載するれば良く、先の登録については署名は不要です。

Acquired distinctiveness may be shown by direct or circumstantial evidence. Milwaukee Electric Tool Corp. v. Freud America, Inc., 2019 USPQ2d 460354, *79-80 (TTAB 2019). Direct evidence of acquired distinctiveness includes actual testimony, declarations or surveys of consumers as to their state of mind (e.g., Converse factor 1). Id. Circumstantial evidence, on the other hand, is evidence from which consumer association might be inferred, such as years of use, extensive sales and advertising, and any similar evidence showing wide exposure of the mark to consumers (e.g., Converse factors 2 through 6).

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