商標登録insideNews: Namibia joins TMclass | EUIPO

As of 13 August 2021, the Namibian Business and Intellectual Property Authority (BIPA) will be included in TMclass. BIPA will join with the alphabetical list of the Nice classification.The inclusion of BIPA in TMclass brings the total number of participating national and regional IP offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and the EUIPO, to 86.

情報源: Namibia joins TMclass


商標登録insideNews: Trademarks From Nine African Countries Added to the Global Brand Database | WIPO

The Global Brand Database now includes the collections of:Botswana: over 38’000 trademarks Eswatini: over 20’000 trademarks Gambia: over 8’000 trademarks Ghana: over 31’000 trademarks Kenya: over 95’000 trademarks Malawi: over 25’000 trademarks Mozambique: over 45’000 trademarks Namibia: over 67’000 trademarks Zimbabwe: over 74’000 trademarks

情報源: Trademarks From Nine African Countries Added to the Global Brand Database