商標登録insideNews: Uruguay Joins Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks | WIPO

Uruguay Joins Singapore Treat

WIPO Director General Francis Gurry (right) received on January 29, 2020, Uruguay’s instrument of ratification for the Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks from Permanent Representative of Uruguay to the World Trade Organization and other International Economic Organizations, Ambassador José Luis Cancela. Uruguay is the 51st contracting party to the Treaty, which will enter into force for Uruguay on April 29, 2020.

Uruguay Joins Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks, 2:09 Uruguay Joins Singapore Treat

Uruguay Joins Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks

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1.Peru Joins Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks, 1:15 WIPO 動画

Peru Joins Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks

2. Peru’s IP System Supports Economic Growth, National Identity, 2:19

Peru's IP System Supports Economic Growth, National Identity

3. Peru Joins Beijing Treaty, 1:17

Peru Joins Beijing Treaty

世界知的所有権機関(WIPO) 動画

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is the global forum for intellectual property (IP) services, policy, information and cooperation.
