商標登録insideNews: トラフグ対米出荷始まる 初のGIマーク産地PR 下関 | エキサイトニュース

トラフグ GIマーク付出荷

トラフグ GIマーク付出荷


Source: <トラフグ>対米出荷始まる 初のGIマーク産地PR 下関 – エキサイトニュース

山口 地域ブランド・商標登録 全国ご当地名産品 vol.35

The Shimonoseki Fuku Export Association (chaired by Hiroshi Mihara), which consists of seafood wholesalers in Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, shipped the first tiger puffer fish of the season to the United States on the 15th. It has been shipped to the United States since 1989, and this season it was shipped with the GI mark of “Shimonoseki Fuku” for the first time after receiving the “GI (geographical indication) registration” of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries’ regional brand protection system. .

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