商標登録insideNews: North Korean soap maker looks to enter Russian market, trademark records show | NK News

North Korea soap maker seeking Russian market

A North Korean manufacturer of soaps and feminine hygiene products is making plans to enter the Russian market, official records show, though experts expressed doubt that the DPRK’s ongoing push to win the hearts of Russian consumers will bear fruit. The Pyongyang-based Ryongaksan Soap Factory presented its logo in a formal trademark application on June 26 in the region of Tatarstan, according to Rospatent.

情報源: North Korean soap maker looks to enter Russian market, trademark records show | NK News

Usine de savons de Ryongaksan

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: North Korean soap maker looks to enter Russian market, trademark records show | NK News”


商標登録insideNews: Coca-Cola Quietly Seeks Trademark Renewal in Russia Amid Ongoing War and Previous Brand Withdrawal | UNITED24 Media

Coca-Cola Seeks TM Renewal in Russia

The Coca-Cola Company, which suspended operations in Russia following the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, has filed new trademark applications in the country.According to Meduza, citing Russian newspaper Vedomosti, The Coca-Cola Company submitted three separate applications for trademark registration with Russia’s Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) in April 2024. The applications cover the company’s core brands: Coca-Cola, Sprite, and Fanta.

情報源: Coca-Cola Quietly Seeks Trademark Renewal in Russia Amid Ongoing War and Previous Brand Withdrawal | UNITED24 Media

Coca-Cola Seeks TM Renewal in Russia

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Coca-Cola Quietly Seeks Trademark Renewal in Russia Amid Ongoing War and Previous Brand Withdrawal | UNITED24 Media”


ロシア連邦知的財産特許商標庁(Rospatent) vol.11 商標_動画(embedded)

ロシア連邦知的財産特許商標庁 動画

1.Интервью руководителя Роспатента Юрия Зубова Новгородскому областному телевидению, 34:02 ロシア連邦知的財産特許商標庁 動画

Интервью руководителя Роспатента Юрия Зубова Новгородскому областному телевидению

続きを読む“ロシア連邦知的財産特許商標庁(Rospatent) vol.11 商標_動画(embedded)”


商標登録insideNews: Stars Coffee, anyone? Starbucks successor opening in Russia | AP News

Starbucks successor

MOSCOW (AP) — People in Moscow who were disappointed when Starbucks closed its coffee shops after Russia sent troops into Ukraine may now feel a caffeine jolt of hope: A nearly identical operation is opening in the capital.

情報源: Stars Coffee, anyone? Starbucks successor opening in Russia | AP News

スターバックス撤退も…ロシアに新コーヒーチェーン(2022年8月19日), 0:59 Starbucks successor


商標登録insideNews: ロシア版「マクドナルド」の新ロゴ発表 ブランド変更で再開 | BBCニュース
商標登録insideNews: Russian firm launches Coca-Cola, Fanta, and Sprite copycats after soft drink exodus | EconoTimes
The name of the store is “Stars Coffee”, and the logo is almost the same composition as Starbucks. Instead of a mermaid, a Russian woman wears a traditional ornament called kokoshnik on her head.

starbucks jp


商標登録insideNews: Russian firm launches Coca-Cola, Fanta, and Sprite copycats after soft drink exodus | EconoTimes

Russian Softdrink Copycats

Russian Softdrink Copycats

Russian beverage maker Ochakovo has unveiled a new range of soft drinks dubbed CoolCola, Fancy, and Street, to replace the iconic brands Coca-Cola, Fanta, and Sprite that have left the Russian market in the wake of its invasion of Ukraine.Since the Coca-Cola Company halted operations in Russia in March, the three major soda brands have been mostly absent from Russian shelves. While Coca-Cola products are still available in stores, prices have increased by around 200 percent since the suspension.

情報源: Russian firm launches Coca-Cola, Fanta, and Sprite copycats after soft drink exodus – EconoTimes

Три новых (но таких знакомых!) вкуса

情報源: CoolCola, Fancy, Street! | МПБК Очаково – натуральные напитки

(Russian Softdrink Copycats)

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Russian firm launches Coca-Cola, Fanta, and Sprite copycats after soft drink exodus | EconoTimes”


ロシア連邦知的財産特許商標庁(Rospatent) vol.10 商標_動画(embedded)

ロシア連邦知的財産特許商標庁 動画

ОТС: На страже интеллектуальной собственности: как зарегистрировать и защитить товарный знак?、2:03 ロシア連邦知的財産特許商標庁 動画

ОТС: На страже интеллектуальной собственности: как зарегистрировать и защитить товарный знак?



ロシア連邦知的財産特許商標庁(Rospatent) vol.9 商標_動画(embedded)
ロシア連邦知的財産特許商標庁(Rospatent) vol.8 商標_動画(embedded)
The Federal Service for Intellectual Property, commonly known as Rospatent, is a Russian governmental agency in charge of intellectual property.


商標登録insideNews: Russian Fast-Food Chain’s New Logo Resembles McDonald’s Golden Arches | businessinsider.com

Mac Resemble New Logo Filed

A Russian fast-food chain called Uncle Vanya has filed to trademark a logo that bears a strong resemblance to McDonald’s iconic Golden Arches.On Saturday, Uncle Vanya made a trademark filing with the Russian government, which included a proposed logo — a stylized letter “B” with the words “Uncle Vanya” beneath it in Russian. (Mac Resemble New Logo)

情報源: Russian Fast-Food Chain’s New Logo Resembles McDonald’s Golden Arches


情報源: Moscow’s ‘Uncle Vanya’s’ fast-food chain unveils new logo following McDonalds exit from Russia

マクドナルド ロシアから撤退【モ-サテ】(2022年5月17日), 0:56

マクドナルド ロシアから撤退【モ-サテ】(2022年5月17日)


Fun and Tasty

情報源: ロシア版マクドナルドの名称は「Fun and Tasty」か? 特許書類が話題に | Forbes JAPAN(フォーブス ジャパン)

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Russian Fast-Food Chain’s New Logo Resembles McDonald’s Golden Arches | businessinsider.com”


ロシア連邦知的財産特許商標庁(Rospatent) vol.9 商標_動画(embedded)


1.Обучающий семинар «Региональные бренды России – новые точки роста» (г. Киров)

Обучающий семинар «Региональные бренды России – новые точки роста» (г. Киров)

2.Сессия 2 «Создание рынка интеллектуальной собственности», 2:08:01

Сессия 2 «Создание рынка интеллектуальной собственности»

続きを読む“ロシア連邦知的財産特許商標庁(Rospatent) vol.9 商標_動画(embedded)”


商標登録insideNews: 変異株「オミクロン」と同名の露クリニックがWHOを提訴 | 東亜日報


情報源: 変異株「オミクロン」と同名の露クリニックがWHOを提訴 : 東亜日報

