全米知的財産権調整センター(National IPR Center: NIPRCC) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.1

全米知的財産権調整センター 動画

全米知的財産権調整センター 動画

1.PSA – Illegal Streaming (90 seconds)、1:30 youtube

PSA - Illegal Streaming (90 seconds)

2.Motion Picture Association signs up to assist the IPR Center with anti-piracy efforts、17:35 youtube

Motion Picture Association signs up to assist the IPR Center with anti-piracy efforts


The National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center (IPR Center) which stands at the forefront of the United States government’s response to combatting global intellectual property (IP) theft and enforcement of its international trade laws. Safeguarding IP underpins every aspect of our nation – from jobs and the economy to the military and national security.

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