商標登録insideNews: New EUIPO Examination Guidelines enter into force March 1st | EUIPO

The latest edition of the Guidelines for Examination of European Union trade marks (EUTM) and registered Community designs (RCD) entered into force on 1 March 2021, following the approval by the Executive Director of the EUIPO on 8 February 2021 by means of Decision EX-21-1.

情報源: EUIPO – New EUIPO Examination Guidelines enter into

The Guidelines on EU trade marks and the Guidelines on registered Community designs that are currently in force were adopted by the Executive Director on 08/02/2021 (Decision No EX-21-1), and entered into force on 01/03/2021.The Office’s Guidelines can be accessed in the five working languages of the Office (English, French, German, Italian and Spanish), through either a clean or a track-changed version. In the online version of the Guidelines, the track-changed version is visible via the ‘show modification’ function, which highlights the changes made compared to the previously adopted edition of the Guidelines.

情報源: EUIPO Guidelines

For detail AlicanteNews Feb. 2021, Engish PDF, 56pages