商標登録insideNews: New low-cost filing platforms launch with striking similarities to controversial Trademark Terminal target US applicants | World Trademark Review

Just weeks after controversial low-cost filing agency Trademark Terminal ceased operations, WTR has identified three more platforms that may be related to it.

情報源: New low-cost filing platforms launch with striking similarities to controversial Trademark Terminal target US applicants | World Trademark Review


The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is targeting U.S. attorneys filing illegitimate trademark applications as it steps up efforts to halt a practice that can weaken the register.The agency’s recent sanctioning of an attorney who filed thousands of fraudulent trademark applications, mostly from China, was the first signal of a stronger crackdown, trademark attorneys and agency observers said. A second attorney, who filed around 100 suspect applications, was sanctioned soon after.

情報源: Lawyers Aiding Chinese on Fake Trademarks Targeted for Sanctions