商標登録insideNews: U.S. Federal Register :Changes to the Trademark Rules of Practice To Mandate Electronic Filing

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO or Office) proposes to amend the Rules of Practice in Trademark Cases and the Rules of Practice in Filings Pursuant to the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks to mandate electronic filing of trademark applications and submissions associated with trademark applications and registrations, and to require the designation of an email address for receiving USPTO correspondence.

情報源: Federal Register :: Changes to the Trademark Rules of Practice To Mandate Electronic Filing

[コメント] 要はUSPTOは紙出願の受付を近々止めるということです。代理人等は、電子メールのアドレスを維持する必要があります。米国でも現実には既に殆どの人がe-filingをしている筈とは思います。

The latest news on the published rules

情報源: USPTO rule makes electronic filing mandatory for trademark submissions | USPTO
