米国税関国境警備局(CBP) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.6

米国税関国境警備局 動画

1.Super Bowl LVII Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Press Conference, 22:45 米国税関国境警備局 動画

Super Bowl LVII Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Press Conference | CBP

2.NFL Super Bowl 57 Anti-Counterfeiting Press Conference, 21:25

NFL Super Bowl 57 Anti-Counterfeiting Press Conference

3.CBP Supports Super Bowl LVII Security Efforts to Keep Fans Safe and Secure | CBP、2:39 

CBP Supports Super Bowl LVII Security Efforts to Keep Fans Safe and Secure | CBP

米国移民関税執行局(ICE) vol.8 商標_動画

United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is the largest federal law enforcement agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security.

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