商標登録insideNews: Apple’s “Vision Pro” Faces Trademark Uncertainty In Chinese Market | SPARROWS NEWS

Huawei owns Vision Pro trademark in China

During Apple’s recent WWDC23 developer conference, the tech giant officially unveiled its highly anticipated spatial computing headset, the “Vision Pro.” Integrating both virtual reality and augmented reality features, the innovative device is set to make its debut in the United States early next year. However, Apple might encounter an unexpected hurdle in the Chinese market due to a prior trademark registration by Huawei.

情報源: Apple’s “Vision Pro” Faces Trademark Uncertainty In Chinese Market | SPARROWS NEWS

Introducing Apple Vision Pro. 9:21

Introducing Apple Vision Pro

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Apple’s “Vision Pro” Faces Trademark Uncertainty In Chinese Market | SPARROWS NEWS”

商標登録insideNews: 米Appleが新OSを登録?WWDC2022の中日に商標申請 | Sputnik Japan

Apple RealityOS


情報源: 米Appleが新OSを登録? WWDC2022の中日に商標申請 – 2022年6月1日, Sputnik 日本

Apple RealityOS — the name Apple is reportedly using for the operating system running on its rumored virtual and augmented reality headset — has appeared in a trademark filing spotted by Parker Ortolani. Bloomberg News was first to report the “reality operating system” branding back in 2017, and references to the name have appeared in Apple’s software.

情報源: Apple’s RealityOS for rumored headset appears in trademark application – The Verge

apple realityOS
URSB Publication

apple realityOS
商標登録insideNews: Apple Logo Evolution – It all Started With a Fruit – Famous Logos

(2022.8.30 追記)

長らくAR-VR(MR)ヘッドセットの開発をウワサされているAppleが、「Reality One」「Reality Pro」「Reality Processor」などの商標出願を行ったとBloombergが報じています。

情報源: Appleが「Reality One」や「Reality Pro」を商標出願、ウワサのARヘッドセットが間もなく登場か – GIGAZINE

商標登録insideNews: アップル、「Memoji」の商標登録侵害として訴えられる。係争中にもかかわらず商標リストに掲載 | Engadget 日本版

Social Tech sued Apple over Memoji dispute

Social Tech sued Apple over Memoji dispute


情報源: アップル、「Memoji」の商標登録侵害として訴えられる。係争中にもかかわらず商標リストに掲載 – Engadget 日本版

Atlanta-based company Social Technologies LLC today filed a lawsuit against Apple that accuses the iPhone maker of falsely indicating that it holds the federal registration for the trademark Memoji in the United States.

情報源: Apple Sued Over Listing Memoji as One of Its Registered Trademarks Despite Ongoing Legal Battle [Updated] – MacRumors

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: アップル、「Memoji」の商標登録侵害として訴えられる。係争中にもかかわらず商標リストに掲載 | Engadget 日本版”

商標登録insideNews: Apple files to trademark Apple Card in UK, Spain, Germany, Slovakia, and more | The Apple Post

Apple has applied to trademark the name Apple Card across Europe and Hong Kong ahead …

情報源: Apple files to trademark Apple Card in UK, Spain, Germany, Slovakia, and more | The Apple Post

Apple filed the trademark for Apple Cash in Canada on July 15th, however, the Apple Pay Cash got registered today.

情報源: Apple files to trademark Apple Cash in Canada, Apple Pay Cash registered

Introducing Apple Card — Coming Summer 2019, 2:32

商標登録insideNews: アップル、ドイツ自転車道のリンゴ型ロゴに抗議。現地の観光協会は困惑 – Engadget 日本版


情報源: アップル、ドイツ自転車道のリンゴ型ロゴに抗議。現地の観光協会は困惑 – Engadget 日本版

Registernummer: 302018223214、Inhaber: Rhein-Voreifel Touristik e.V.

iPadに酷似したXiaomiの「Mi Pad」、ヨーロッパで商標使用許可下りず – iPhone Mania

中国ベンダーXiaomiは2014年にiPadにそっくりなタブレットシリーズ「Mi Pad」の商標の使用許可をヨーロッパで申請しましたが、Appleの訴えにより差止められていました。5日、Xiaomiの不服申し立てが裁判所により退けられたことにより、同社はヨーロッパで「Mi Pad」の商標を使用できなくなったことが明らかになりました。

情報源: iPadに酷似したXiaomiの「Mi Pad」、ヨーロッパで商標使用許可下りず – iPhone Mania

Apple Inc. succeeded on Tuesday in preventing Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi Inc from registering its “Mi Pad” tablet computer as an EU trademark because the name was too similar to Apple’s “iPad.”

情報源: Apple’s iPad wins EU trademark case against Xiaomi’s ‘Mi Pad’ tablet computer

商標登録insideNews: Apple registers international trademark for Apple Pay Cash, expected to launch later in fall | iLounge News

Apple still lists the feature as “coming this fall” on its iPhone 8 website, and the company recently registered the Apple Pay Cash trademark in Canada as well according to MobileSyrup

情報源: Apple registers international trademark for Apple Pay Cash, expected to launch later in fall | iLounge News

Trade mark TM office Appln number status Applicant Nice cl Appln date
APPLE PAY CASH EM 017162132 Filed Apple Inc. 9,36 31-08-2017
APPLE PAY CASH. CO CO SD2017/0068313 Filed APPLE INC. 36 04-09-2017
APPLE PAY CASH MY MY 2017066673 Filed Apple Inc. 36 30-08-2017
apple pay cash TR TR 2017-78057 Filed Legally Restricted
APPLE PAY CASH CA CA 1855682-00 Filed Apple Inc. 9,36 01-09-2017
APPLE PAY CASH CH CH 60836/2017 Filed Apple Inc. 36 31-08-2017
APPLE PAY CASH GB GB UK00003253733 Filed Apple Inc. 9,36 31-08-2017
APPLE PAY CASH NO NO 201711461 Filed Apple Inc. 36 31-08-2017
APPLE PAY CASH MX MX 1941824 Filed APPLE INC. 36 04-09-2017
APPLE PAY CASH DK DK VA 2017 01928 Filed Apple Inc. 36 01-09-2017

