商標登録insideNews: Visual search in TMview extended to six (6) IP offices | EUIPO

TMview’s Visual Search extended to six Offices

TMview’s visual search facility, which allows users to search for trade mark images in the world’s largest online trade mark database, has been extended to cover six more intellectual property offices within the EU.Trade marks registered at the national intellectual property offices of Cyprus (DRCOR), Portugal (INPI), Slovenia (SIPO) and Finland (PRH) are fully searchable using images since 30 November, as well as Hungary (HIPO) and Austria (OPA) which enabled this functionality on 14 December.

情報源: Visual search in TMview extended to six IP officesTMview's Visual Search extended to six Offices

商標登録insideNews: EUIPO in-house image search added to TMview | EUIPO

商標登録insideNews: Registo de marcas aumenta 16 por cento em 2017 | JUSTICA.GOV.PT


registo de novas marcas conheceu, em 2017, um valor máximo, atingindo as 18.700 atribuições, revelam as estatísticas do Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI). Este resultado vem reforçar a importância da defesa da propriedade industrial em Portugal. Com uma média de 1.900 pedidos de marcas submetidos mensalmente, Portugal é um dos países europeus com o maior número de marcas por habitante

情報源: Registo de marcas aumenta 16 por cento em 2017

[意訳]国立工業財産所(INPI)の統計によると、2017年の新規商標の登録は最大値に達し、18,700件の課題に達しました。 この結果は、ポルトガルにおける工業所有権の保護の重要性を強調してます。 毎月平均で1,900件のブランド申請が行われているポルトガルは、1人あたりのブランド数が最も多いヨーロッパの国のひとつです。

商標登録insideNews: Argentina and Moldova join TMview | EUIPO


As of 20 November 2017 the National Institute of Industrial Property of Argentina (INPI) and the State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI) have made their trade mark data available to the TMview search tool.

情報源:Argentina and Moldova join TMview | EUIPO

商標登録insideNews: 海外の商標登録に関する警告情報 | 中国商標局(CTMO)


情報源: 海外の商標登録に関する警告情報

[コメント] 記事は中国商標局が自国(中国国内)の玩具企業向けのチリ工業所有権局での商標登録についての注意喚起の内容となっています。

商標登録insideNews: Argentina trademark fees set to increase upwards of 50% as government attempts to curb inflation – Blog – World Trademark Review

Brand owners wishing to protect their trademark rights in Argentina should prepare for increased costs, as the country’s IP office recently implemented a two-stage set of fee rises. The changes, which will be fully implemented from October 1, sees some filing fees rise by over 50%.

情報源: Argentina trademark fees set to increase upwards of 50% as government attempts to curb inflation – Blog – World Trademark Review