IPKey 商標_動画(embedded/playlist) vol.19

IPKey SEA 動画

IPKey SEA 動画
IPKey SEAのSEAはSoutheast Asiaの略です。Southeast Asiaはブルネイ,カンボジア,インドネシア,ラオス,マレーシア,ミャンマー,フィリピン,シンガポール,タイ,ベトナムのアセアン諸国を含みますが、特にIPKeyに関しては次の7つの政府知的財産機関が対象となります。

IP Key SEA – Promoting Creativity and Innovation: The Intellectual Property Law of Viet Nam
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IPKey 商標_動画(embedded/playlist) vol.13

IPKey SEA 動画

IPKey SEA 動画

Videos in the playlist “Conference on Trade Marks and Industrial Designs in the Digital World” include the follwoing topics:

  • AI-powered tools for examining trade marks used at the EUIPO
  • Viet Nam’s experience in their accession to the Hague Agreement and recent amendments in design regulations.
  • issues in the protection and enforcement of trade marks in the online environment and how INTA is addressing bad faith trade mark filings.
  • the benefits that new technologies, including blockchain and artificial intelligence, are bringing to the intellectual property community.
  • the examination of industrial designs at EUIPO, introducing current tools and those under development, including AI.
  • the statistics and process of industrial design filings in Thailand, the country’s preparations for accession to the Hague Agreement and how intellectual property is being promoted to boost the creative industry.
  • recent developments in the protection of industrial designs in relation to the digital world.

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IPKey 商標_動画(embedded/playlist) vol.12

IPKey SEA 動画

IPKey SEA 動画

#IPKeySEA: Business briefing on Vietnam’s revised IP Law” #IPKeySEA: ベトナムの改正知的財産法に関するビジネス説明会」

  • IP Key SEA – Viet Nam–EU Business Briefing: Session 3 (Patents & Industrial Designs)
  • Viet Nam–EU Business Briefing: Sessions 6 (Industrial Property) & 7 (Impact of Revised IP Law)
  • IP Key SEA – Viet Nam–EU Business Briefing: Sessions 4 (Trade Marks & GIs) and 5 (IPR Enforcement)
  • Viet Nam–EU Business Briefing: Opening Remarks and Sessions 1 (Revised IP Law) and 2 (Copyright)

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IPKey 商標_動画(embedded/playlist) vol.10


IP Key SEA – Workshop to Enhance Geographical Indications Systems
1)IP Key SEA – Geographical Indications and the Economic Value to the European Union
2)IP Key SEA- Geographical Indications for Craft and Industrial Products: Proposal for a New EU Scheme
3)IP Key SEA – GIview
4)IP Key SEA – Main Features of Malaysia’s Geographical Indications Act 2022
5)IP Key SEA – Developing A Sui Generis GI System in the Philippines: Support to Rural Communities

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