商標登録insideNews: 海外でGI申請した我が国水産物が、初めて登録されました | 農林水産省

みやぎサーモン ベトナムGI登録


情報源: 海外でGI申請した我が国水産物が、初めて登録されました:農林水産省

ベトナムにおける登録: みやぎサーモン(宮城県)登録日:令和4年8月17日

31 みやぎサーモン、2:17 

31 みやぎサーモン

商標登録insideNews: みやぎサーモンなど登録 地理的表示、5品目追加 – 産経ニュース
Japan’s GI product “Miyagi Salmon” has been registered as a GI in Vietnam. “Miyagi Salmon” is Japan’s first GI marine product to be registered overseas by direct application.

みやぎサーモン ベトナムGI登録


商標登録insideNews: USPTO Suspends Attorney-Sponsored Accounts Connected to Foreign Sponsorship Scam | ipwatchdog.com

USPTO suspends scam related accounts

Earlier this week, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) suspended the sponsored accounts of two U.S. attorneys who loaned their name and bar credentials to an Indian law firm so they could file trademark submissions in violation of USPTO rules.

情報源: USPTO Suspends Attorney-Sponsored Accounts Connected to Foreign Sponsorship Scam

USPTO suspends accounts engaged in foreign sponsorship scam
Trademark Verified USPTO.gov Account Agreement

USPTO suspends scam related accounts
米国特許商標庁/USPTO Alexandria Virgina, USA

商標登録insideNews: USPTO users targeted in massive fraud and money laundering case in Pakistan | World Trademark Review
