CPVO video


Seeds of Tomorrow Episode 10: Climate Change from an Agricultural Perspective

Webinar: Introducción al sistema europeo de protección de variedad vegetales

Seeds of Tomorrow Episode 9: Effective Enforcement with the Anti-Infringement Bureau

Seeds of Tomorrow Episode 8: The Economic Impact of Plant Varieties

Seeds of Tomorrow Episode 7: Global Cooperation with UPOV

Interview with Gianluca Savini, R&D Manager - Sant Orsola

CPVO President: Italian Stakeholder's Engagement

Seeds of Tomorrow EP 6: Innovative Plant Breeding with Euroseeds

Seeds of Tomorrow Episode 5: Plant Breeding with Plantum - Collaborations and Future Challenges

Seeds of Tomorrow EP 4: Insights from Anove and CPVO on Spain's Farming Future

Seeds of Tomorrow Episode 3: All about the SME Fund

Seeds of Tomorrow Episode 2: Everything about applying for Plant Variety Rights

Seeds of Tomorrow Episode 1: Introduction to the CPVO

Study visit in Italy by CPVO's President Francesco Mattina

Reflecting on the path of innovation and sustainability in Italian agriculture

Maria Francesca Cardone Researcher at Crea

CEIPI Student Interview

SIVAL 2024: Interview with Jean Maison

Herman Scholten Interview #FromtheFields

Interview with Stéphanie Christien #FromtheFields

Interview with Fabio Gervasi #FromtheFields

Interview with Jens Wegner at the Ornamental Expert's Meeting #FromtheFields

Angers & CPVO: A Perfect Blend of Culture and Innovation

Behind CPVO Doors : Angers Ambition and Agriculture

SME-Fonds 2023: Neue Gutscheine für Pflanzenzüchter

Fondo per le PMI 2023: nuovi voucher per i selezionatori vegetali

Fonds pour les PME 2023: de nouveaux vouchers pour les sélectionneurs végétaux

Fondo para las PYME 2023: nuevos vouchers para los obtentores vegetales

Webinar: The interface between plant variety rights and patents

Webinar: What’s in a name: plant variety denominations and their interface with trademarks

欧州植物品種庁(CPVO: Community Plant Variety Office)は、欧州連合の育成者権などの植物に関する知的財産権制度を管理する専門官庁です。フランス共和国アンジェにあります。
欧州植物品種庁(CPVO: Community Plant Variety Office) 商標_動画(embedded)vol.2
The Community Plant Variety Office is an agency of the European Union, located in Angers, France. It was established in 1994. Its task is to administer a system of plant variety rights, also known as plant breeders’ rights, a form of intellectual property right relating to plant.
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