商標登録insideNews: 「みやぎサーモン押し寿司」好評受け今年も販売 GI登録の養殖ギンザケ使用 – 仙台経済新聞

みやぎサーモン押し寿司 好評販売


情報源: 「みやぎサーモン押し寿司」好評受け今年も販売 GI登録の養殖ギンザケ使用 – 仙台経済新聞

02H29 5月みやぎ水産の日インフォマーシャル、1:00 

02H29 5月みやぎ水産の日インフォマーシャル

宮城 地域ブランド・商標登録 全国ご当地名産品 vol.4

“Miyagi Salmon” is a premium brand of raw coho salmon that is fed rice produced in Miyagi Prefecture and is treated to maintain freshness when landed, using techniques called “ikejime” and “shinkeijime.” In May last year, it was registered as the first Miyagi Prefecture product under the national Geographical Indication Protection System (GI), which protects local agricultural, forestry and fishery products as brands.

みやぎサーモン押し寿司 好評販売

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