商標登録insideNews: Declaration of Use Now Required for Mexican Trademark Registration | natlawreview.com

While the new laws make numerous changes to Mexico’s intellectual property framework, the most substantial change is that a declaration of use must now be filed for all trademark registrations within three months of the third anniversary of the registration date. So, for example, if a trademark is registered on Jan. 1, 2021, a declaration of use must be filed before April 1, 2024. This new rule is applicable to all registrations granted after Aug. 10, 2018. A declaration of use must also be filed when a trademark owner seeks to renew its registration. If the trademark owner does not prove use of the mark in Mexico in the appropriate manner and timeframe, the owner will be considered to have waived and renounced its trademark.

情報源: Declaration of Use Now Required for Mexican Trademark Registration

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Declaration of Use Now Required for Mexican Trademark Registration | natlawreview.com”


商標登録insideNews: Validity Period Of Trademark Registrations And Changes Regarding The Information Contained In The Application Form – Intellectual Property – Mexico | mondaq.com

Among the most relevant changes in this new Federal Law for the Protection of Industrial Property in Mexico is the one contained in Article 214 (formerly 113 of the former Industrial Property Law), which stipulates additional requirements for the filling forms when submitting a new trademark application, such as “the description of the mark” and Article 216 which stipulates that “the graphic elements that are not part of the mark must be indicated by dashed or dotted lines on its representation”. These new requirements will be applicable for trademarks filed from November 5, 2020.

情報源: Validity Period Of Trademark Registrations And Changes Regarding The Information Contained In The Application Form – Intellectual Property – Mexico


商標登録insideNews: Mexico: New Federal Law for Protection of Industrial Property & amended Federal Copyright Law & Criminal Code | Hogan Lovells

On 30 June the House of Representatives voted and approved 3 decrees whereby (1) A new Federal Law for the Protection of Industrial Property is enacted, (2) Federal Copyright Law is amended; and, (3) Federal Criminal Code is also amended in connection with offenses against Intellectual Property.

情報源: Mexico: New Federal Law for Protection of Industrial Property & amended Federal Copyright Law & Criminal Code | Hogan Lovells – JDSupra


商標登録insideNews: USMCAが発効、国内法整備も完了(カナダ、米国、メキシコ) | ジェトロ



情報源: USMCAが発効、国内法整備も完了(カナダ、米国、メキシコ) | ビジネス短信 – ジェトロUSMCA 発効

情報源: UNITED STATES–MEXICO–CANADA (USMCA)TRADE FACT SHEET Modernizing NAFTA into a 21st Century Trade Agreement | United States Trade Representative


The United States, Mexico, and Canada have reached an agreement on a modernized, high-standard Intellectual Property (IP) chapter that provides strong and effective protection and enforcement of IP rights critical to driving innovation, creating economic growth, and supporting American jobs.

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: USMCAが発効、国内法整備も完了(カナダ、米国、メキシコ) | ジェトロ”


日本国で保護する他の国・地域の地理的表示(GI・酒類) vol. 2 メキシコ合衆国・チリ共和国・ペルー共和国

日本国で保護するメキシコ合衆国・チリ共和国・ペルー共和国の地理的表示(GI) (国税庁のWebsiteより)

 番号  名称  産地の範囲  酒類区分  翻訳例
 1  Tequila mexico メキシコ合衆国  蒸留酒  テキーラ
 2  Mezcal mexico メキシコ合衆国  蒸留酒  メスカル
 3  Sotol mexico メキシコ合衆国  蒸留酒  ソトール
 4  Bacanora mexico メキシコ合衆国  蒸留酒  バカノラ
 5  Charanda mexico メキシコ合衆国  蒸留酒  チャランダ
 6  Pisco Chileno(Chilean Pisco)  チリ共和国  蒸留酒  チリ産ピスコ
 7 Pisco Peru(Pisco Peru)  ペルー共和国  蒸留酒  ピスコ・ペルー

メキシコ経済産業省(Secretaría de Economía México) vol.3 商標_動画(embedded)

メキシコ経済産業省 動画

1.Brasil reconoce la Denominación de Origen “Tequila” (25/02/2019), 1:50 メキシコ経済産業省 動画

Brasil reconoce la Denominación de Origen “Tequila” (25/02/2019)

2.Denominación de Origen Cacao, 0:04 

Denominación de Origen Cacao

各国商標データベース (国内外知的財産関連108機関) 地域ブロック別
La Secretaría de Economía es responsable de formular y conducir las políticas de industria, comercio exterior, interior, abasto y precios del país.
