Registration No. : 4015182120000
Application Date : 2019. 01. 30 Application Number : 40-2019-0016379
Appl. Publ (Date) : 2019. 06. 19 Publication Number : 40-2019-0066947
Date of Decision to Grant Registration (Trial Decision) : 2019. 09. 02 Number of Classification of Goods : 1
Designated Goods or Designated Service Business
Class No.31 : 묘목, 나무, 살아있는 나무, 신선한 과실
(Expected)Date of Expiration : 2029. 09. 05
(Right Holder) 유동우(YOO, Dong-Woo) 전라남도 장성군… (ユドンオ 全羅南道長城郡…)
[Request for Trial] Request for Trial ([심판청구]심판청구서) 2021.05.07
Date of Request for Trial : 2021. 05. 07 Trial Number : 2021 당 1354
Indication of Case : 상표등록 제1518212호 무효
Purport of Claim : “상표등록 제40-1518212호는 그 등록을 무효로 한다. ” 라는 심결을 구합니다.
Plaintiff : 국제원예종묘농업회사법인주식회사 (国際園芸種苗農業会社法人株式会社)
高級ブドウ「ルビーロマン」1房150万円, 1:42
Why Japanese Ruby Roman Grapes Are So Expensive | So Expensive, 8:01
Why Japanese Ruby Roman Grapes Are So Expensive | So Expensive